Tuesday 10 June 2014

Summertime pleasures

The end of another academic year is coming. You've worked a lot, you've learned new things and now, before you leave for holidays, you need to prove to all your teachers that this is the case. There's always an element of luck involved in tests and exams, but if you worked hard during the semester, I'm sure you'll do great. For some of you it is the end of your studies, or at least the end of the first stage of your university education. For others, next year is going to be crucial: working on your MA thesis will make real researchers out of you. Are you looking forward to this?

I would like to ask you something:
Please use some of the free time you will have in summer to read books. They don't need to be very ambitious, heavy stuff, just something you will find enjoyable. I should encourage you to choose something in English, and I do, of course, but I would rather you read something in Polish/French/Spanish/Italian than nothing at all. Some of you may be surprised that I feel the need to do it at all, but believe me, when I ask students after holidays what they have read, many are genuinely surprised: "It's holidays, time to relax, so we don't want to read anything!" And yet, I'm sure each of you could find books which will give you a lot of satisfaction and pleasure. As far as English goes, I would recommend any of Joanne Harris's books (author of the delicious Chocolat and its two sequels) or, if you feel like something a little more action-oriented, John Grisham will work perfectly. If, on the other hand, you prefer something a bit more grown-up, try Alice Munro. Her stories are a real treat!

So, have a wonderful summer and come back well-rested and refreshed, with heads full of ideas inspired by travel, enjoyment and... good books!

Photo by Josué Goge  CC BY 2.0

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