Friday 30 January 2015

British politeness

One of the key things in learning English is getting the rules of politeness. They are really very unique, and require a lot of analysis on both sides of the conversation. If you think adding "PLEASE" to your requests, for example, is enough, you are in for a big surprise. Have a look at some phrases that are used every day. Some are a bit tongue-in-cheek, but not as much as you would have thought. It's all about understatement, both in negative and positive messages being communicated. Have a look! :)

I hear what you say I disagree and do not want to discuss it further He accepts my point of view 
With the greatest respect You are an idiot He is listening to me 
That's not bad That's good That's poor 
That is a very brave proposal You are insane He thinks I have courage 
Quite good A bit disappointing Quite good 
I would suggest Do it or be prepared to justify yourself Think about the idea, but do what you like 
Oh, incidentally/ by the way The primary purpose of our discussion is That is not very important 
I was a bit disappointed that I am annoyed that It doesn't really matter 
Very interesting That is clearly nonsense They are impressed 
I'll bear it in mind I've forgotten it already They will probably do it 
I'm sure it's my fault It's your fault Why do they think it was their fault? 
You must come for dinner It's not an invitation, I'm just being polite I will get an invitation soon 
I almost agree I don't agree at all He's not far from agreement 
I only have a few minor comments Please rewrite completely He has found a few typos 
Could we consider some other options I don't like your idea They have not yet decided 


  1. It's a great comparison between what the British say and what they mean. I am laughing at loud because I used to have typical foreign thinking. :)

    1. :D As I said in class, English politeness is a very complex, multi-layered and obscure system. Generally, never take anything at face value! ;)
