Monday 11 March 2013

Five Card Story: Shopping gone bad

Here is what I managed to come up with in response to the five pictures that came my way. I'm sure you will be much better at this ;)

a Five Card Flickr story created by alewan

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

A young woman went shopping, but was lured into a strangely lit hair salon and decided to have an image makeover. When she finally left the shopping center it was dark outside. Then she remembered that she was supposed to buy a Christmas present for her baby-niece. She went back inside to find a toy shop, but when she reached it the whole building went dark! Was it a power cut? Then, one light bulb began to flicker faintly. However, there was no shop any more, just a damp, empty cellar. The only thing in it was a beautiful, rich, red flower lying on the floor. The woman thought, "I wish I hadn't gone shopping today." The flower filled the cellar with such an intense aroma that she... woke up, with her hair nicely cropped and dyed, and the hair salon full of floral scent.


  1. Wow! Great story with amazing end, you could be a novel writer :)

  2. Ha-ha, not really, but thanks :)
