Tuesday 29 October 2013

What Type of Learner Are You?

Have you ever considered what type of learner you are? Here is an interesting infographic, with some clues and advice for different learners. I think I qualify as an auditory learner. What about you?


  1. Definitely, I'm a visual learner, ;)

  2. I've already tried to identify my learning style and it came out that I'm between visual and kinesthetic..but maybe I'm this new type: read/write learner because I really like to write everything which I learn:)

    1. Well, that confirms the kinesthetic aspect of your learning style, doesn't it? You DO something to learn whatever you need to learn: you process the information and organize it into your notes. I do that too :) Remember, too, that there are other classifications of learning styles, with more refined categories. If you are interested, there is a diagnostic test here, for example. Enjoy! :)
